Data Playground
The Apple STEM Network harnesses the power of data to inform and guide our strategies, ensuring that we make measurable progress towards our shared goals.
Data, used properly, is a headlight, not a hammer.
Data serves as a valuable tool, allowing us to shine a light on opportunities and leverage points that can transform our educational system. It is never meant to be a hammer that comes down on system actors; instead, we view data as a headlight that illuminates the path towards positive change.
On this page, you will find a wealth of publicly accessible data and resources that underpin our work. We believe in the importance of transparency and evidence-based decision-making. Through data analysis, we gain valuable insights into the needs, strengths, and opportunities within STEM education and workforce development in North Central Washington.
By leveraging data, we can identify areas for improvement, track progress, and adapt our strategies to maximize impact. We invite you to explore the resources and information provided on this page, as we collectively work towards creating a robust and inclusive STEM ecosystem.