Our Goal + Strategies
The Apple STEM Network is dedicated to increasing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) awareness and support for STEM education in the North Central Washington region. We promote STEM for all and clearly outline pathways to regional STEM careers.
Hover over the Strategies to learn more about each one
Be a Community Leader in STEM Diversity, Inclusion, and Access
We host the State of STEM event in the Fall, where we announce the Leadership Team, Goals, and Objectives for the year. Additionally, we convene monthly STEM Network meetings during the academic year, host engaging STEM Industry site tours, bring together community stakeholders and invest in the development of community connections.
Support the Development of a Distinct ‘STEM Network Identity’
As a co-lead for the regional Career Connect Washington Network, we highlight the demand for STEM skill sets and employment opportunities within North Central Washington. Leveraging our leadership role, we use our voice to share powerful stories about the importance of STEM education and the need for STEM talent in our community.
Look, Listen, Learn, and Share Best Practices from Other STEM Network Regions
Through dedicated research, we identify innovative programs and activities from outside our region. By sharing these ideas, we encourage collaboration among educators and community partners, fostering the growth and implementation of effective STEM initiatives.
STEM Education + Awareness
Programs + Partners

NCW Tech & STEM Showcase
Every year, local schools showcase their innovative projects in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) during a community event. The annual event provides a free and exciting opportunity for students and educators to exhibit their creativity and inspire the community to embrace and support STEM initiatives.
The Innovators Awards Luncheon celebrates the drive, passion, and spirit of innovators in North Central Washington while inspiring those who are just starting their journey. Award categories include Entrepreneur, Newcomer in Technology, STEM Champion, STEM College Innovator, and Future Technology Leader (K-12 student).